Baltic History Beneath the Surface
(article collection, PDF, 117 Mb)

Creating a Dive Park: From Idea to Reality
(12 Mb, PDF)
Press trips
In the summer of 2019 Baltacar-project organized press trips to Sweden, Finland and Estonia in order to demonstrate the joint diving attraction that was developed in the course of the project. As a result the following magazine articles were published.

Diver Magazine (UK)
Frozen in time part 1 – Sweden

Diver Magazine (UK)
Frozen in time part 2 – Finland and Estonia

Sportdykaren (Sweden)
Dalarö dykpark

Dyk (Sweden, Denmark)
Baltiske Besøg: Estland
Other media appearances
ERR (Estonia)
Veealuse muuseumi külastamiseks on vaja erivarustust ja -väljaõpet
Centrum Balticum (Finland)
Meriarkeologit kasvattavat Itämeren sukellusturismia Baltacar-projektin puitteissa
Skärgarden (Sweden)
Vrak utanför Dalarö dokumenteras
3.11.2018 Estonian Radio morning talkshow
Hauensuoli (Finland) wreck park intro video.
Diving on the Cable Wreck in Hauensuoli (Finland).